Woodland path in dappled light


Creating and maintaining footpaths in woodlands is crucial to enable access and management of the area.

By providing designated routes for visitors to follow, footpaths can help to prevent damage to fragile ecosystems and minimise disturbance to wildlife. They can also help to direct visitors away from areas that are being actively managed, such as areas where logging or conservation work is taking place.

In addition to the benefits for visitors and the environment, footpaths can also be useful for woodland managers. By providing a network of clearly marked routes, footpaths can make it easier for managers to access different areas of the woodland and carry out necessary maintenance and management work.

At Avocet, we carefully evaluate the soil type, slope, and tree cover to determine the appropriate materials required for constructing and maintaining the tracks. Our team can create durable and sturdy tracks on any sub-base to ensure longevity. We also prioritize adequate drainage to prevent water from eroding the surface of the track.

Walking boots on footpath